
Assumption College

An inclusive and transformative Marist community, inspiring one another to shape the future with audacity and hope.


Our vision and our mission


An inclusive and transformative Marist community inspiring one another to shape the future with audacity and hope.

Our Marist culture guides this Catholic College in life-giving and challenging ways, calling us to be present, embrace a family spirit, value simplicity, be inspired by our work and do all this in the way of Mary.

Our Vision

The people of Assumption College ‘seek the things that are above’ so that compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, love, peace and gratitude are our lived experience.

As such we affirm:

  • Mary courageously said yes to all that God promised. Like her, we seek to witness and nurture in all a passionate and compassionate spirituality through which Jesus is known and loved.
  • The early Marists proclaimed: ‘Let it be said of us, as it was of the first Christians, ‘see how they love one another’. In a world thirsting for connection and belonging, we strive to be a place in which a family spirit of love, respect and mutual trust are the wellsprings of growth and healing.
  • Marcellin responded to the needs of his time. Inspired by his example, we dedicate ourselves to building an aspirational and responsive school that ignites a love of learning and celebrates personal excellence.
  • Gospel leadership is characterised by service. In our presence to one another and through the joyful giving of ourselves, we model and promote the dignity of all.
  • The mysterious complexity and simplicity of Creation inspires within us a deep sense of awe and gratitude. We design structures and relationships that enable a just and merciful use of our physical and human resources.
  • Assumption College is an invitational and welcoming community where people ‘gather around the same table to share, to celebrate, to laugh, to cry and to grow. We create authentic, accessible and purposeful opportunities to encounter each other, our community and our world.

ASPIRATIONS  2022 - 2025


Mary courageously said ‘Yes!’ to all that God promised. Like her, we seek to witness and nurture in all, a passionate and compassionate spirituality through which Jesus is known and loved. As such, we will:

  • Celebrate liturgy and ritual that responds meaningfully to the rhythm of our day, our week and our year.
  • Cultivate silence, meditation and prayer as the foundation of a life-giving relationship with a loving God.
  • Challenge selfish individualism by developing an understanding of the Common Good and active engagementin social and ecological justice.

Pastoral Wellbeing

The early Marists proclaimed ‘Let it be said of us, as it was of the first Christians, ‘see how they love one another’. In a world thirsting for connection and belonging, we strive to be a place in which a family spirit of inclusion, respect andmutual trust are the wellsprings of growth and healing. As such, we will:

  • Foster belonging, resilience and inclusivity to ensure everyone in our community is known and valued.
  • Cultivate and promote restorative practices and respectful relationships between students, staff, parents and the broader community.
  • Work and advocate for the rights of everyone, near and afar, to be physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually safe.

Learning & Teaching

Marcellin responded to the needs of his time. Inspired by his example, we dedicate ourselves to building an aspirational and responsive school that ignites and celebrates a love of learning. As such, we will:

  • Know our students, so that all programs respond to the moral imperative to put students at the centre of their life-long learning journey
  • Use evidence-based interventions to ensure students develop the skills and motivation to be competent independent and interdependent learners.
  • Intensify the power of collective efficacy to improve pedagogy and thereby learner outcomes.


Gospel leadership is characterised by service. In our presence to one another and through the joyful giving of ourselves, we model and promote the dignity of all. As such, we will:

  • Promote Servant Leadership so that everyone in our community sees themselves as a leader with agency and responsibility.
  • Cultivate resilient people, who through courageous action, embrace the unknown, welcome innovation and effectively navigate change
  • Integrate programs that deepen our understanding of the importance of emotional intelligence, honesty and integrity in leadership.

Stewardship of Resources

The mysterious complexity and simplicity of Creation inspires within us a deep sense of awe and gratitude. We develop structures and relationships that enable a just and merciful use of our physical and human resources. As such, we will:

  • Acknowledge the fragility of our planet and enact impactful, informed and strident sustainability practices.
  • Maintain the life-giving elements of our rich heritage while embracing growth and improvement.
  • Recognise that human flourishing is contingent on wellbeing in all its forms and find ways to help positively balance the competing demands of the modern world.


Assumption College is an invitational and welcoming community where people ‘gather around the same table’ to share, to celebrate, to laugh, to cry and to grow. We create authentic, accessible and purposeful opportunities to encounter each other, our community and our world.

We plan and act so that upon leaving Assumption, our students.

  • Generously involve themselves with projects and organisations that promote the Common Good.
  • Build communities where everyone feels valued by embracing diversity and inclusion.
  • Are able to be confidently vulnerable and welcome advice with humility.