Co-Curricular at

Assumption College



We offer our students many ways to become involved in the vibrant cultural life of Assumption College.

Singing, playing instruments, dancing, acting photography, art & design – creative students perfect their talents at Assumption!



At Assumption College’s Champagnat Centre, students explore music is all its facets; vocal, instrumental, performance and recording. 

There are numerous bands and ensembles that students can join, depending on their years level, and singers can join the choir or work on their solo vocal performances.

Our musicians and singers get to showcase their talents at our musical soiree and annual Assumption Day talent contest. They also play an integral role in school liturgies, masses, assemblies and special events. The Co-Curricular opportunities for Music enthusiasts allow them to develop technical and performance skills, as well as the collaborative skills required by live performances in various indoor and outdoor venues.

MUSIC PROGRAM enrolment form


Students with a passion for acting and theatre will find fantastic performance opportunities at Assumption College. They will expand their skills through improvisation, collaboration and a shared passion for the Performing Arts. 

Each year, we stage either a junior or senior drama production.You can be involved on stage as a performer showcasing your skills across dance, drama and music, or backstage as a member of the crew creating costumes, sets and props.

To view our 2024 Frozen Jr Production Gallery, please click here.


The Co-Curricular Dance program is open to all students from years 7-12. Whether you are new to dance and seeking to try something new, or someone with many years of experience, our dance program is for you. Working collaboratively we create an annual dance concert that is performed at the Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre in September. 

This program allows students to form friendships and connections with like-minded peers from across the college, a real theatre experience with professional costumes, sound and lighting, and an opportunity to challenge themselves.

Visual Art

Assumption College provides state-of-the-art facilities for creative students to learn techniques and grow their skills, talents and confidence.

The Hermitage Art & Technology Centre is a place of thriving creativity, with drawing, painting, textiles, sculpture and photography complemented by digital media labs and tech workshops.

Our annual Art & Technology Show is a gallery gala for our students and their parents, friends and peers.


The Assumption College photography co-curricular is open to students from Years 8-12. The student photography team collaborates to enhance their creative and technical skills, and capture the essence of events beyond daily College life. 

Their professional and inspiring work is featured prominently on social media and in official publications, such as the College yearbook.


Assumption College is a member of the Debating Association ofVictoria’s school competition. We compete against other schools in the Watsoniacompetition, with opportunities to compete across the state. There aregenerally five debates a year in this system, but there can be additionaldebates should we make the finals.

Debating assists in the development of critical thinking skillssuch as logical reasoning, supporting ideas with evidence and adaptation tochallenges. This helps students in many areas of life, and it also teaches thempatience and expands their worldviews. 

Debating is also a fantastic way to develop teamwork and publicspeaking skills. Students will grow their confidence and improve their abilityto articulate concepts in front of a crowd, making them better equipped fortheir lives beyond school.


Students with a passion for acting will find fantastic opportunities at Assumption College – expanding their skills through drama, comedy and character-driven performance.

Each year, we stage either a junior or senior drama production. There’s always a long list of students ready to audition and work as support crew during rehearsals and shows.


Our dance classes allow students to attain mastery in classic and contemporary techniques alike – a celebration of agility, movement and expression.

Students in sessional dance classes, and those in dance classes from Years 9 to 12, are automatically involved in our dance concert. However, those that do not participate in dance classes are also encouraged to take part. Routines are prepared and costumes are provided.

taking the stage

Students have a range of performing arts to explore, with dedicated facilities such as the Champagnat Centre and the college's theatrette.