
Assumption College

To build a school it takes a team!



Old Collegians

The value of an Assumption College education does not end when you graduate. Assumption is committed to building and nurturing lifelong relationships through our old collegians engagement program.

Our past students are vital to the College’s ongoing success and actively contribute to the life of the College by inspiring future generations, sharing knowledge and experience, and supporting Assumption's vision.

Staying connected means many things to many people. Regularly visit the College website to stay in touch and learn about new and exciting events (such as class reunions and career mentoring) at Assumption.

For further information about our program for past students or to update your details please contact the Development Office:


P: (03) 5783 5000

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

We have a zero tolerance for child abuse and other harm and are committed to acting in students’ best interests and keeping them safe from harm.

The College regards its child safeguarding responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintaining a child safe culture.

Each member of the College community has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role that they play individually, and collectively, to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all students is at the forefront of all that they do, and every decision that they make.

Information sharing laws to support child wellbeing and safety have recently changed with the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) and the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) now in place.  

If you have any queries about either scheme, please email:


Purpose of the ACKOCA

The Old Collegians Association aims:

  1. To CONNECT past students; COMMUNICATE within the Assumption College community and CELEBRATE friendships, achievements and reunions of old and new friends.
  2. To promote and foster a spirit of union and good fellowship among members.
  3. To provide a supportive network to assist members in their career choices and prospects.
  4. To encourage regard for and promote the material interests of our Alma Mater.
  5. To promote the extension of support and friendly interaction between the school and members.
  6. To provide an avenue of support for members in need.
  7. To promote opportunities for former students to gather and enjoy social interaction.
  8. To print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, books or leaflets that the Association may thin desirable for the promotion of its objects

President:  Simon J. Costa AO (1981 - 1985)

Phone: (M) 0426 456 564

Vice-President: Luke Soulos (1971 - 1976)

Phone: (M) 0417 512 174


Secretary: Matthew Meier (1988 - 1993)
Events and Treasurer:  
Sam Crimmins (1986 - 1991)
Monica Gill (2008 - 2010)
Deaths/Achievements: Mr Robert Ryan (1942 - 1944)
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Old Collegian Patron: Mr Ray Carroll (1958 - 2011)


Shandon Calls is the magazine of Assumption College which celebrates past students and current members of the Assumption community.

New issues are announced in News & Events.