June 28, 2024

Culture & Dance Update!

Messages from the Cultural Coordinator and Dance Captain!

Assumption College Culture

The Student Cultural Committee

Cultural Coordinator Fred Leduc introduces the newly formed committee:

I would like to officially introduce the all-student Culture Committee at ACK.
The committee has been formed from the captains of each department within the culture team.
The team will be led by our student cultural leaders and they will work on ideas and programs that will give Assumption students authentic and unique opportunities within the college and the wider community.
Below is the first write up from the Dance Captain – enjoy!
– Fred Leduc, Cultural Coordinator


Cultural Student Committee

  • Cultural Leaders – James, Sarah  
  • Debating – Thomas
  • Drama/Production – John
  • Music – Naeve
  • Dance – Grace , Yolanda
  • Photography – Angelica

The State of the Stage: Dance at Assumption

Prior to Mitchell Shire entering Stage 3 lock down measures, all the dancers were back and hard at work.

Now, the work continues with younger students practicing under the Assumption @ Home structure while Year 11 and 12 students continue honing their skills at school.

The spirit of our return remains – and the message and video below, recorded a few weeks ago before entering lock down, showcases the incredible talents of our students.

Hi all,
We are glad to announce that dance is back at Assumption! It is exciting to have all year levels back, finding their movement and passion for dance again. The studio is truly full of life. VCE unit 1 dancers have completed their first solo performances for assessment as they performed in front of a live audience, displaying performance skills and technique. 
The MyMap classes are back into full swing, as they are working collaboratively and learning new group choreography. The video features outstanding choreography by Mrs Garcia, that is intended to challenge the dancer’s expressive and technical skills.
We are excited during these tough times to be fortunate enough to still be able to run the Co-curricular dance program. This year, the dance concert will be a senior dance performance held at the college theatre. Choreography is already underway, as Mrs Garcia works with the year 12 students on the opening dance piece for the Senior Dance Concert.
Thank you,
– Grace, Dance Captain

Whether on campus or studying at home, Assumption College dancers give their all to the craft. We are proud of all the exciting progress made during this very interesting year and look forward to seeing them perform when community parameters allow.

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