June 28, 2024

Equestrian Newsletter February 2020

Equestrianism Update!

On Friday the 14th of February, Kate Garner and Zara Yunghanns competed in the first VEIS qualifier of the interschool season.They both had an amazing day but the weather proved to be a hurdle.

Kate Garner competed on two horses at this event; Sparky, who was in the progressive (85cm – 95cm) and Biscuit who was in the Improvers (75cm 85cm).

The first round of the day for Kate and Sparky proved to be a challenge as the course consisted of a number of tight turns and the combination was not quick enough to place.

Then Biscuit had an unlucky rail in the two phase. When Kate began to prepare for the Grand Prix she noticed that Sparky was lame. He had to be scratched from the event. Sparky had overreached when he took a long spot in the previous round, but luckily she had another horse to continue to ride in the competition.

Whilst Kate was walking the course it started to rain. During the first round of the Grand Prix, they had a rail but luckily everyone got into the jump off. Kate thought she may as well “risk it for the Biscuit” and take some super tight turns – but Biscuit didn’t agree. He ran out and she fell but she was okay and got straight back up!

Zara Yunghanns was in the intermediate (95cm 105cm) on Will. She went into the two phase and just had an unlucky rail but she was very happy because it was Will’s first time in the main ring. Zara was pleased with his progress.

When the first round of the Grand Prix started it was drizzling, so Zara put studs in Will’s shoes, which were very handy in the wet ground. They went clear and got into the jump-off but they were not quick enough to win. They placed second.

The first interschool show for the season was a blast and they have both learnt a lot and had a great time.

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