June 28, 2024

Fortnightly Prayer

A Reflection and Prayer from Principal Fogarty

International Women’s Day Prayer

On International Women's Day, we take time to remind ourselves of the equality of all people, and that everyone is to be respected and treated with dignity.
We acknowledge continued sexual discrimination and violence in our society, and pray especially for those women whose suffering is hidden and unacknowledged.

Loving God

Inspired by the witness and life of Mary, our Good Mother

Who refused to bow to restrictive social conventions;

Who challenged the community to witness justice in their actions towards others;

Who cared for women and walked with them in their time of need;

Who showed strength in leadership and compassion in relationships

May we as a community support all women

As we together strive for equality and respect

And a world where emotional, physical and sexual violence is no more.

We make this prayer through Christ

The witness to a new humanity.


St Marcellin Champagnat Pray for us

St Mary MacKillop Pray for us

Mary our Good Mother Pray for us

And may we always remember to Pray for one another


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