June 28, 2024

From the Principal

A Message from Principal Fogarty

Dear Parents and Carers,

Staying positive

One of the many things that has been amplified in this second phase of restrictions is ensuring positive voices and words of encouragement dominate our personal stories. We all have a role to play in keeping ourselves and others in a positive frame of mind, focussed on ways that we can move forward and see the world and our days as warm, connected, life-giving and inspirational.

Young people are particularly susceptible to the mood or ‘weather’ of the space they are in. They are growing their capacity to see themselves as distinct entities, but during their teen years, are prone to adopt and respond to the mood of those around them.

So, while kind, patient and forgiving words have a profound effect on our psyche at any age, this is especially true for teenagers. While they may not respond with the gracious enthusiasm we might hope for, each positive phrase that lands builds a bank of goodwill and joy that may just help carry them resiliently through their next challenging situation. This week, while the weather outside does its topsy-turvy thing, let’s ensure that the weather mood inside is conducive to positive reinforcement, pride and heart-felt love.

VCE students on site

We’ve had a few enquiries today after The Age published a story yesterday afternoon where the headline insinuated that Year 11 and 12 students would be returning on site.  Unfortunately, this is not the case – the story was merely restating the Department of Education’s advice around whether students could come on site to complete some assessments that can not be assessed virtually.

At this stage, we have only required a very small group of students to attend the site to complete assessments. Sacha Wilmann (Senior School Leader) will be in touch with students should this change, but we do not think this is necessary or likely at this point in time.

Year 7 2022

Last night we held a remote information evening for our Year 7 2021 parents. Over the past few weeks though, we’ve been reminding our community that we’re now accepting 2022 enrolments! If you know of any families with Grade 5 students, please ensure that they are directed to the enrolment page on our website. They can sign up for a virtual tour of the College, complete the enrolment documentation or simply make some enquires.

Paying attention

The ‘Calm’ App claims to be the#1 daily meditation app in the world. I have absolutely no idea if that is true, but I do know that for me, it’s been a gift that keeps on giving. My daily prayer life usually consists of some time with the Gospel of the day (I mostly use the ‘Pray As You Go’ app), but sometimes, I just need a guide to help me pause and reflect on a particular theme. Recent meditations within Calm have focussed on: Control, Conflict Resolution, Resting the brain, Automaticity and Technique.

God of calm and rest, when my brain is racing and my emotions are troubled, provide me with the right people and resources to sooth my soul. Let me, at least for a few blessed moments, humbly give up my worries and pay attention to the places in my unconscious that can bring people and joy. Be with me in this time, shining your love on me with a gracious and warming light.
Peace & Blessings,
Kate Fogarty

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