June 28, 2024

Immunisations: February 2020 Update

February 2020 Vaccination Update

Secondary School Vaccinations

The Secondary School Vaccine Program offers free vaccines to Year 7 and Year 10 students.

Immunisation cards have been sent home to all Year 7 students for the upcoming vaccination. Cards for the Year 10 students will be distributed shortly. Please read the information, complete and return your completed card to school regardless of whether your child is being vaccinated at school. Students from Year 7 and Year 10 will have the opportunity to receive the following immunisations;


Year Level: 7

Date: 25.03.2020

Disease: HPV Dose 1

Year Level: 7

Date: 25.03.2020

Disease: HPV Dose 1

Year Level: 7

Date: 25.03.2020

Disease: Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis

Year Level: 7

Date: 25.10.2020

Disease: HPV Dose 2

Year Level: 10

Date: 28.05.2020

Disease: Meningococcal ACWY


All people under 20 years of age are eligible to receive free catch-up vaccines. If students are not at school on the immunisation days and require catch-up vaccines, you are advised to speak to your immunisation provider (i.e. local council or GP).

All parents and guardians of Year 7 and Year 10 students will have received anemail (via PAM) regarding sharing of contact details with the Mitchell Shire so that you are contactable by the Immunisation Nurse on the day of immunisation. If you do not want your contact details shared, please respond to that email.

To learn more about the Secondary School Vaccine Program please go to:

https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/immunisation-in-secondary- schools


Peter Augustin
Deputy Principal - Wellbeing

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