June 28, 2024

Palm Sunday

A reflection for Palm Sunday

This Weekend we enter the Holiest week of the Church’s Year. It begins with Palm Sunday, and the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The Church traditionally marks this occasion with Palm branches, a procession and a reading of the Passion of Jesus Christ that tells the story of Jesus’ Last Supper, his betrayal in the garden, his trial and his crucifixion. This year, we gather again after our COVID isolation to mark Jesus’ Passion with our own inward journey to self-discovery.

Take time to meditate on Jesus' Journey to Jerusalem and the Cross

Master of all, great and small
We thank you for your people
Who join you on the road of life.
We praise you for the courage
Of those who are prepared to shine like beacons
In dark and troubled lands.
Seize our hearts we beg
And set fire to them
That we too may cast your light
As we join you along the path you chose to walk
As you enter Jerusalem to embrace your suffering and death.
Give us the confidence to believe that after the darkness
Comes the joy and light of new life.

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