June 28, 2024

Pathways Update

Info from the Pathways and Careers Team!

Early Entry Programs

This year many of the Universities are offering alternative pathways into their courses which students should look into to see if they are eligible for. Not all courses are available through these programs so students are encouraged to do their research into the programs listed below.

Latrobe –Aspire Program – due Monday 31st August

The Aspire program allows Yr 12 students to tell the recruitment offices at Latrobe University about their community and leadership experiences. Successful applicants will receive an early conditional offer into their chosen course at a lower ATAR. For further information go to https://www.latrobe.edu.au/study/aspire

ACU Guarantee – due Friday 25th September

Students are allowed to complete the application by supplying their Yr 11 results (need to fill in the appropriate form and then send it to Mr Wilmann for signing) and respond to 4 questions about your personal circumstances. For further information go to https://www.acu.edu.au/study-at-acu/admission-pathways/acu-guarantee

Swinburne Early Entry – due Friday 28th August

Swinburne are allowing students who have schools support to apply for an Early Entry. Students will need to ask either their House Coordinator or Mr Wilmann to complete the recommendation letter based on the student’s readiness to perform at a tertiary level. Once they have that letter to upload there are some additional information that the student needs to provide about their personal circumstances. For further information go to https://www.swinburne.edu.au/alerts/coronavirus/future-student/early-entry-program/

VU Guaranteed – dueby Friday 9th October

VU will guarantee the successful applicants a place at the university. They are not guaranteeing students a place into their course of choice. This will come after the ATARs are released. They are guaranteeing that two students from Assumption College will receive a scholarship and they are guaranteeing bonus ATAR points to help you get into your course of choice. For further information go to https://www.vu.edu.au/study-at-vu/how-to-apply/special-admission-programs/vu-guaranteed

VTAC Applications.

A reminder to Yr 12 students that they have until Wednesday 30th September to complete their Tertiary Course applications though we do recommend that they complete their application prior to going on holidays this term to ensure that they get any questions answered before the cut-off date.

While completing their applications, students should keep an eye on the updated information found on the VTAC website about cancelled courses and any new courses added. At the time of writing there has been an additional 11 courses added while 20 have been cancelled.

For further information go to http://www.vtac.edu.au/courses-inst/courseupdates.html

Students must also take notice of any additional information they may need to complete at the time of apply. This could include supplementary forms to be filled in, selection tasks to complete or an interview/audition to attend. All of this information can be found on the VTAC website. These tasks are usually used by the selection panel to shortlist their offers instead of solely looking at a student’s ATAR.

Casper Test

Any student who wishes to complete an Education course (Primary or Secondary) must sit the online Casper Test. CASPeris an online test which assesses non-cognitive skills and attributes and interpersonal characteristics important in the teaching profession. The test takes between 75 and 90 minutes to complete. It comprises 12 sections. Each section begins with a video (1-2 minutes long) or written scenario followed by 3 questions. Registration for these tests are now open and if students wish to be considered for January Offers they must have completed the test by November 15. For further information and booking for the test go to www.caspertake.com


Reminder that if you want to make an appointment to see any member of the Pathways Team this can be done by using the online booking system. The links for this can be found on the home page of Simon for students and on PAM for parents.


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