Hello families of Senior School students,
We have had an excellent start to the year, with students looking carefully at their courses and starting their classes with rigour and high expectations.
For your information
It is important that you are aware of the following, as it pertains to the student(s) in your care:
· Subject changes have now closed. Requesting a change at this late stage is detrimental to the academic program due to the amount of work necessary to be caught up. Subject changes will only beconsidered under extreme circumstances.
· Students have been emailed the process to undergo an unscored VCE pathway. This is only applicable to students in year 12 and must be supported by conversations with the Pathways department and Mr Wilmann.
· Students applying for special provisions for units 3 and 4 examinations have been in consultation with the personalised learning team and Mr Wilmann. If you believe this is applicable to the young person in your care and you are yet to contact the school, please direct your inquiries to Ms Cristina Vergara.
· Students have been given access to their SAC calendars for Units 1 – 4. I would strongly advise you to become aware of thiscalendar to assist you with your planning and preparations for busy assessment times for the students
· Students and teachers have been given the VCAA VCE/VCAL procedures. This document outlines the expectations and regulations surrounding the VCE and VCAL.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you all in helping the students strive for their goals and dreams over the coming year.