June 28, 2024

View from the Faith Office

A Reflection on the 6th Sunday of Easter

View from the Faith Office

Love in Absence: Celebrating Family Week in a time of social distancing

Bound together by the power of the Spirit. A reflection on John 14.15-21

This weekend marked the first time in weeks that many of us have been able to visit family members not living with us. There were beautiful scenes of grandparents and grandchildren being reunited after prolonged and enforced absences.

While hugging may still be out, the Gospel reading gives a powerful and timely reflection on the invisible bonds that unite us as one family that go beyond the physical.

Reflecting on the early Church’s experience of not having Jesus with them anymore, similar to our recent experiences of absence, the Gospel confidently assures us:

“I will not leave you orphans. I will come back to you.”

That the

“Spirit of Truth is with you and in you”

and it is the power of this Spirit that enables us to overcome the difficulties and challenges of our daily lives together, and to live life to the full. But we don’t do it alone. We do it as a family.

This week we celebrate Family Week and acknowledge the work that is done to support families in need through the Catholic social service agency, CatholicCare.

For those who are struggling in their family relationships, CatholicCare brings to life and makes real the assurance of the Gospel that God, the loving Father, is in us all, giving us life beyond our unique daily relationship struggles.


God of the silence and space
We pray to you today for our families
Those who we are bound to with gentle cords of love
And whose absence these past weeks have been so keenly felt.
We pray for those especially whose experience of brokenness and pain
In their family relationships
Masks for them the vision of love, peace and unity
That comes from a life lived together in community.
May the Spirit of Truth that unites us all
As one human family
Inspire us to turn to those in need
Supporting the work of CatholicCare
As they embrace the lost, the broken, the orphan, the bereaved
With the unconditional, gentle and healing love
Of Jesus Christ.

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