June 28, 2024

View from the Faith Office

A Reflection for the 13th Sunday of Easter

View from the Faith Office

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord (Psalm 88)

Of this I am sure, that your love lasts forever (Psalm 88)


There come moments on life’s journey that give rise to reflection. Times when you turn aside, stop, and look back on what has been, before you continue on, refreshed, to face the unknown challenges of a future still shrouded in mystery.

The end of this extraordinary school term is one such moment. A chance for the whole community: students, staff, parents, family, friends, the wider community, to pause and look back at what has been and seek to discover meaning and learnings that we take with us into our future journey.

This Sunday’s Gospel reading from Matthew Chapter 10 gives special emphasis to those moments of generosity and selflessness that are particularly life giving:

‘Anyone who finds their life will lose it; anyone who loses their life for my sake will find it.’
‘Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me; and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me.’
‘If anyone gives so much as a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because they are a disciple, then Itell you solemnly, they will most certainly not lose their reward.’

As we look back over these last three months, we have so much for which to be grateful. Moments, experiences,relationships, often unlooked for, that have given us life, strength and love:

The kindness and generosity of a friend or stranger
An unexpected offer of help
The support of family and friends when in need
Knowing that we weren’t on this journey alone
The satisfaction of a task completed, a job well done
To be part of a life giving, supportive community
A‘thank you’ given to us recognising something we did
The caring question, “Are you okay?”
Wise and inspired leadership at all levels of our lives
Welcome and hospitality, even in isolation
The sanctuary of home
The security of school
Interior moments of peace and solitude
To be simply present to the beauty of the moment
The privilege of living in such a good country
The gift of sacred, life giving land.


Loving and compassionate God
As we come to the end of this school term
And pause to look back on all that has been
Receive this prayer of thanks from grateful hearts
Knowing that we have been loved and cared for.
And grant us the courage, strength and wisdom
To journey on
Inspired and energised by the gift of the past.


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